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- Gameworlds

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- Resources
- Gameworlds

Humans are interdependent, co-creating beings.
LISA OMMERT | Possibility Managment Coach & Trainer
Collaborations, Projects & Gameworlds
Create what matters to you and collaborate!
Possibility Management
Possibility Management is Thoughtware for Next Culture, for catalyzing change and expansion in various inner and outer domains. It works by converting problems into fertilizer and doorways. Avoide mud puddles along your path of evolution.
Possibility Management originates from the Context of Radical Responsibility. With new Thoughtware and a new way of living you can create completely new results without changing your circumstances. Possibility Management builds bridges between modern culture which brings humanity to its limits, and the next cultures which are regenerative.
Women of Earth (globally)
Women around the world are leaving Patriarchy and co-creating Next Culture. What about you?
If you are tired of wasting time taking care of a system that is eliminating your children's future, this is the invitation to discover your rage and to create something new. Reclaim your real voice, shouting into the world, what you are taking a stand for.
Leaving Patriarchy behind, we start from radically applying our consciousness into the action we want to see. We take our authority and our dignity back to become guardians of Gaia, spaceholders of regenerative cultures to thrive.
Frauen der Erde (D-A-CH)
Frauen auf der ganzen Welt verlassen das Patriarchat und gestalten Next Culture. Was ist mit dir? Wenn du es leid bist, Zeit damit zu verschwenden, dich um ein System zu kümmern, das die Zukunft deiner Kinder zerstört, dann ist dies die Einladung, deine Wut zu entdecken und etwas Neues zu erschaffen. Erhebe deine wirkliche Stimme und rufe in die Welt, wofür du einstehst.
Wir lassen das Patriarchat hinter uns und beginnen damit, unser eigenes Bewusstsein radikal verantwortlich in die Handlungen einzubringen, die wir sehen wollen. Wir holen uns unsere Autorität und unsere Würde zurück, um zu Hüterinnen von Gaia zu werden, zu Raumhalterinnen regenerativer Kulturen,damit diese gedeihen können.
Matrix Building Spaceholders (globally)
This team is for those who are committed to developing Spaceholder skills by building the necessary internal Matrix to hold space for something greater, the Self. The work focuses on creating a solid foundation to become an authentic Spaceholder who contributes non-material value.
It is a radically responsible space, contextualised in the Gameworld of Possibility Management and using Torus Technology.
Discover your unique path as a Spaceholder, moving beyond pressure, overwhelm and money scarcity. It's time to deliver your non-material value to the world and leave the Patriarchy! Delivering your non-material values means that you start regularly giving worktalks, writing articles and holding spaces.
StartOver-Game (online & offline)
StartOver.xyz is a online and offline game designed for personal transformation and self-empowerment. It operates as a matrix-building adventure, where players can engage in a variety of activities aimed at upgrading their thought processes and life circumstances. The game is structured around a network of interconnected websites, referred to as "bubbles," that players can navigate through to explore different aspects of personal development.
Free-to-Play: The game is accessible without any cost, allowing anyone to participate.
Matrix Points: Players can enter Matrix Points, which are updated monthly.
Collaboration: The game encourages collaboration and interaction among players, fostering a supportive environment.
The most powerful way to change your circumstances is to change yourself.
Academy for Comunity Building Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland
Schloss Glarisegg is a unique community and educational center located in Switzerland, focusing on consensus-oriented, secular cultural development. Established in 2003, it promotes communal living and offers various programs aimed at personal and social transformation. The site is renowned for its Ecovillage Design Education course, which attracts participants interested in sustainable living and community building. Additionally, Schloss Glarisegg serves as a platform for workshops and seminars that explore innovative approaches to education and community life. Its mission emphasizes collaboration, sustainability, and the nurturing of a supportive environment for individuals seeking to engage with contemporary social challenges.
Kiva (NGO), USA
Instead of having your money sitting in your own bank account, flow it to others to empower their projects:
Kiva is a nonprofit organization that enables individuals to lend money to entrepreneurs and small businesses in developing countries. By providing microloans as small as $25, Kiva aims to alleviate poverty and promote economic self-sufficiency. The platform connects lenders directly with borrowers, allowing them to support various projects, from agriculture to small retail businesses.
Notably, 100% of the funds lent go directly to the borrowers, ensuring that they receive the full benefit of the loan. Kiva's model fosters community impact, empowering individuals to improve their livelihoods and create sustainable change in their communities.
Hospice Organisation Main Spessart, Germany
Hospiz-MSP is a hospice organization dedicated to providing compassionate end-of-life care for patients with terminal illnesses. They focus on offering physical, emotional, and spiritual support to both patients and their families during this challenging time. The facility emphasizes a holistic approach, ensuring that each individual's needs are met through personalized care plans.
Additionally, they provide bereavement support and counseling services to help families cope with loss. Overall, Hospiz-MSP aims to create a peaceful and dignified environment for both patients and their loved ones.

I am
Transformation. Empowerment.
Joy of Life.
Lisa Ommert
Bühler Str. 3
97776 Eußenheim
Contact me
+49 151 68 45 55 65 info@
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