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LISA OMMERT | Possibility Managment Coach & Trainer
Welcome To Possibility Laboratory
There is a difference between knowing and walking the path
After completing the Expand The Box Training, you are welcome to join your first Possibility Lab. This 4 - 5 day residential training delivers further initiatory processes into adulthood. The purpose of a Possibility Lab is to create doorways and internal capacity, or Matrix, to bring more consciousness into your everyday life.
During a Possibility Lab you'll have the opportunity to go through the processes most valuable for you personally at this stage of your life. This makes Labs unpredictable and exciting for both participants and the trainers, and no two labs are alike. The Possibility Lab is a space of growth, connection, initiation and high level fun!
We come together as a village. We organize, co-create and disassemble the training spaces together, preparing meals, and tidying up as a team. This builds the practical capacity to create a learning community through ongoing collaboration, and is an integral part of our individual and group processes.
Training days start at 7am and end at 10pm with the exception of the last day ending at 4pm.
Training fee: 650 - 950 € sliding scale plus food and accommodation.
I am a Possibility Management Lab Trainer in Training, working with other certified Lab Trainers.
LAB in your area?
If you want to bring a LAB to your town or neighborhood, you need to be part of the Possibility Management Village, as well as taking some other first steps. Please contact me for a consultation.

I am
Transformation. Empowerment.
Joy of Life.
Lisa Ommert
Bühler Str. 3
97776 Eußenheim
Contact me
+49 151 68 45 55 65 info@
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