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LISA OMMERT | Possibility Managment Coach & Trainer
Welcome to Expand The Box
4 - 5 day residential training opening doors into radical responsible adulthood
Expand The Box is the core training for Possibility Management, and your doorway to subsequent Possibility Labs. We work as a team to enter new possibilities beyond the limitations of your Box, also known as your worldview or identity.
What is a Box?
Imagine your identity as one side of a coin. This side of the coin represents your story about yourself and your life - you are only aware of this side. On this side of the coin, trapped within the beliefs, rules and assumptions of your Box, you know how to interact with the world, but you are also limited by what you think you can and cannot do.
How you interact with the world is determined by this story about yourself. In the Expand The Box Training, you’ll discover everything you need to flip the coin, and enter into a new world of infinite possibility.
Expand Your Box
The Training is designed to support you to move beyond societal conditioning and internal limitations. The key to these discoveries lies in the extraordinary thought-maps, tools, techniques and processes of Possibility Management. You will be equipped with all these keys to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and responsibility.
You’ll experience breakthroughs in how you perceive yourself and your interactions with the world, gaining a stronger sense of agency and choice.
And on the other side of the coin is… nothing. Yes, NOTHING!
What comes next is up to you. What do you want to create on that side of the coin?Expanding your Box will give you possibilities to…
- Be present and centered to handle rapidly changing or chaotic situations.
- Navigate your feelings, by consciously harnessing the energy of your anger, sadness, fear and joy to reach your goals.
- Detect and overcome old emotions holding you back, shifting your inner drama into creation.
- Find out what is blocking you from being authentic and making new choices.
- Establish authentic contact with fellow human beings.
- Communicate with clarity and work in collaboration.
- Unfold your potential and give a voice to your purpose.
The training day starts at 9am and ends at 10pm with the exception of the last day ending at 4pm.
Training fee: 650 - 950 € sliding scale plus food and accommodations.
For repeaters, the sliding scale starts at: 2nd ETB 400 € / 3rd ETB 200 € / 4th ETB 100 . No training fee from the 5th ETB.ARE YOU IN?
ETB in your area?
Do you want to bring an Expand The Box Training to your town or neighborhood? Then visit http://createanexpandthebox.strikingly.com/ and after reading the WHOLE website, please contact me for a Zoom call.

I am
Transformation. Empowerment.
Joy of Life.
Lisa Ommert
Bühler Str. 3
97776 Eußenheim
Contact me
+49 151 68 45 55 65 info@
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