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Women of Earth for dignity.
LISA OMMERT | Possibility Managment Coach & Trainer
We are Women of Earth!
We have all grown up in a patriarchal society based on capitalism and the exploitation of Gaia. Humanity is destroying life here on planet Earth at an alarming and exponentially increasing rate: Nuclear war, global warming, exploitation of resources - the focus is on profit and survival of the fittest.
As long as a woman chooses to survive in Patriarchy, she remains an uninitiated woman. The Patriarchy has no intention of initiating a woman into what she truly is. The Patriarchy also has no intention of initiating a man into his true potentials. The Patriarchy relies on commanding and controlling the mind, heart and soul of people as economic slaves.
We have until now failed to create a culture in which men and women are free to work together creatively for the good of all, including the good of planet Earth. Neither fighting the system nor defeating the system has managed to transform the system into something else.
Both strategies failed.
Invitation to Next Culture
Women! Now is the chance to start over. The shift occurs as you cross the bridge to a different culture, to Next Culture - Archiarchy. Archiarchy is emerging now, that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. The bridge is built together out of consciousness, radical responsibility, adulthood initiations, and regenerative collaborations.
Regaining your dignity starts by facing your fears of exiting Patriarchy, and your fears of NOT exiting Patriarchy. Once your fears have spoken, the choice is up to you.
Women around the world are leaving Patriarchy and co-creating Archiarchy.
What about you?
If you are tired of wasting time taking care of a system that is draining your energy and eliminating your children's future, this is the invitation to discover your rage and to create something new. Reclaim your real voice, shouting into the world: "I take a stand for ..."
Welcome to Archiarchy - We are Women of Earth
Women! We are starting over from a different orientation. Leaving Patriarchy behind, we start from radically applying our consciousness into the action we want to see. We take our authority and our dignity back to become guardians of Gaia, spaceholders of regenerative cultures to thrive, and empower the true gifts each human being came here on planet earth to deliver.
The Women of Earth movement is an invitation for us, dear women from all over the globe, to be among friends who demand and require that we respect and dignify ourselves.
There are so many domains for us as women, to build inner reliability, and initiate ourselves into the power and the responsibility of being Woman at the Edge.
The time of being nice and adaptive, twisting yourself to please others or spending hours in plotting revenge against your abusers, is over. You can decide it is over now. So a brighter future might have a chance, for your children and grandchildren who might hope for life.
This is the moment for women to take a stand for a dignified life on this planet for themselves and for all life.
No one can take this stand for you.
No one can stop you from taking a stand.

I am
Transformation. Empowerment.
Joy of Life.
Lisa Ommert
Bühler Str. 3
97776 Eußenheim
Contact me
+49 151 68 45 55 65 info@lisaommert.com
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