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LISA OMMERT | Possibility Managment Coach & Trainer
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Women of Earth | Women Co-Creating Archiarchy Worktalk with Anne-Chloé Destremau & Vera Franco - English & German
27.05.2024 - In Patriarchy, women are raised to remain insecure little girls because a woman who knows her worth - a woman who has reclaimed her authority to create what her being truly wants to create - is very uncomfortable for the status quo.
A Woman Of Earth bases her entire life on completely different values than those of the patriarchy. She is not afraid of being alone because she creates the love and intimacy she desires wherever she goes. She is unhookable because her Dignity does not come from the numbers in her bank account, how much she has achieved, her age, how many children she has, whether she has a partner or followers, whether she has written books or appeared on the cover of a magazine is. Her dignity comes from her Being her Bright Principles in action.
Modern culture operates from a very low standard of responsibility where women are mostly functions of men, and men are busy with fights for power and material value.
Women Of Earth retain their authority and ability to act instead of handing it over to men or the values of modern culture. This gives them space to create multiple Next Cultures based on higher and radical levels of Responsibility.
Archiarchy is already unfolding with every step that a Woman takes with Dignity on her own path, with every lowering of her Numbness Bar, with every refusal to further fuel the competitive game among women, with every generous, radiant movement with which she provides her Nonmaterial Value to the world.
What is your next step towards creating Next Culture? Which old ideas are blocking you and which new perspectives and skills can you develop in order to move in the world as a Woman Of Earth in collaboration with other Women Of Earth?Frauen der Erde | Die würdevolle Frau | Worktalk mit Lisa Ommert & Sophia Wegele - GERMAN
13.06.2024 - Es ist Zeit, als würdevolle Frau in Erscheinung zu treten. Es ist Zeit die Würde in dir freizuschälen. Wrde ist eine Absicht, die Klarheit und Präsenz ausstrahlt und deine Mitmenschen in ihre Würde einlädt.
Historisch gesehen haben sich Frauen Jahrhunderte lang angepasst oder gegen ein lebensunwürdiges System angekämpft. Ohne Erfolg! Sie haben sich klein gemacht, dem Patriarchat gebeugt und in dem von Männern vorgegebenen Spiel mitgespielt.
Frauen waren so damit beschäftigt, Männer und das System zu hassen, dass sie ihre eigene Feinfühligkeit für regeneratives Zusammenleben und Kollaboration in Frage gestellt haben. Als Frauen haben wir gelernt, Kompromisse einzugehen und zu manipulieren, um wenigstens etwas Macht auszuüben.
In diesem Worktalk erforschen wir andere Möglichkeiten. Denn dort, wo Reaktivität und Kampf aufhören, kann authentische Begegnung und Kreation beginnen. Wie das als würdevolle Frau aussieht, liegt an uns zu erschaffen.Frauen der Erde | Entfalte Archiarchat (in dir) | Worktalk mit Lisa Ommert - GERMAN
14.04.2024 - Archiarchat ist eine regenerative menschliche Kultur, die bereits heute weltweit entsteht, nachdem das Matriarchat und das Patriarchat ausgedient haben.
Um Archiarchat in dir zu entschlüsseln, musst du es wie ein Computerprogramm frei hacken. Das bedeutet, herauszufinden, wie deine Gedanken(soft)ware funktioniert. Transformiere deine Annahmen, Erwartungen und Meinungen, so dass Archiarchat durch dich gedeihen kann und du nicht von patriarchalen Überlebensmustern blockiert wirst.
Sobald du diese neue Kultur hervorbringen kannst, kannst du sie überall hin mitnehmen. Du musst Archiarchat nie wieder zurücklassen.
Komm ins offene Possibility Team, um die Frauen der Erde kennenzulernen.
Alle Informationen findest du unter https://www.frauendererde.org/gruppenWomen of Earth | Reclaiming your Dignity | Worktalk with Lisa Ommert & Vera Franco - ENGLISH & PORTUGESE
28.02.2024 - Until now, we failed to create a culture, where women and men can creatively collaborate for the benefit of our planet, for the benefit of humankind. How come? Many women have tried to fight or to blend in the social system, which is mostly played and dominated by men. But we women failed to reclaim our dignity and respect for ourselves. We hold more respect for men and their hierarchical games than for our own authority, voice, feelings and inner wisdom.
We invite you to this work talk to become a Woman who takes back her power of listening to and respecting herself.
Reclaiming your dignity is not a selfish act, if done in interdependence and vulnerability.
Regaining your dignity is taking a stand for yourself in relating with other women, other men and our nature. Dignify yourself and take a stand to serve something greater than yourself.LOVE WATCHING MOVIES?

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Lisa Ommert
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