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Decontamination | 1:1 | 1 - 2 years | online
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The process of Decontamination is a long-term commitment. We meet weekly at first and extend the time between the sessions to a fortnightly rhythm after about twelve weeks, and subsequently every three weeks, and finally once a month. You need time, energy and dedication for this process. Attending our meetings is not about convenience, but about honoring your commitment to yourself / your process.
In the process of decontamination you develop and refine your identity as a researcher: the process itself happens between our check-ins, in your everyday life. The sessions have a duration of 45 to 60 minutes.
In the process of decontamination you develop and refine your identity as a researcher: the process itself happens between our check-ins, in your everyday life. The sessions have a duration of 45 to 60 minutes.
More Details
Your Adult Ego State is most likely mixed with more than one other Egostate: Child, Parent, Gremlin, and possibly even Demon ego states.
The more contamination that occupies your Adult ego state, the less space there is for you.
This means:
- You cannot be present as yourself.
- You cannot experience authentic Intimacy.
- You may go through many Healing or Initiatory processes but things stay the same for you.
- You do not have enough ground in the Adult ego state to experience or deliver Transformation.
- You can not serve your higher values.
I recommend you read the Decon-website carefully and bring your questions with you.
- 80 - 150 € per 45 - 60 min Session
- One ETB, one LAB and Gremlin Transformation